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Cigar News
- Villiger Cuéllar Krēmē Lonsdale
Ten years after the Villiger Cuéllar Krēmē line debuted, the company added a lonsdale to the line. It launched the cigar at a fairly new trade show hosted by Quality Importers Trading Co. The post Villiger Cuéllar Krēmē Lonsdale appeared first on halfwheel.
- Cigar News: The Cigar Circus – A New Destination For Cigar Enthusiasts
Cigar lovers, get ready! – A new experience in the world of premium cigars, is set to launch in 2025. Featuring an e-commerce platform and a flagship showroom in Clearwater, Florida, Cigar Circus is designed to cater to cigar enthusiasts locally, nationally, and beyond. The Cigar Circus Showroom is more than just a retail space—it’s an immersive Read more about Cigar News: The Cigar Circus – A New Destination For Cigar Enthusiasts
- Lagarto Cigars Debuting at TPE 2025 with Colección Edición Limitada
The new brand comes from ZR Cigars, which is based in La Romana, Dominican Republic. The company's master blender is Candido Rosario, one of Altadis U.S.A.'s Grupo de Maestros as well as the manager of Tabacalera de García. The post Lagarto Cigars Debuting at TPE 2025 with Colección Edición Limitada appeared first on halfwheel.
- First Gellis Piece Unique Heads to Stores
Piece Unique is the third blend to be released from Gellis Family Cigars, a new company from Kyle Gellis, who also founded Warped. Each box of 15 comes with an ashtray. The post First Gellis Piece Unique Heads to Stores appeared first on halfwheel.
- Gala Dinner in Qatar Wraps up Trinidad Anniversary Year
The last event in what was called the Trinity of Trinidad took place at Doha, Qatar, last Saturday, December 7th.